Is Technology affecting your posture?
Are you getting neck pains, shoulder, knee or elbow pains, what about pain in your wrist?
Are you on the computer, laptop, tablet, game console or mobile phone for a significant amount of time each day? Sitting in front of a computer hour after hour can and will take a toll on your health.
you may think is a short time looking over information a lot of times
becomes much more, and before you are aware after time, you are in pain,
and you are not aware of the cause of this pain.
Ninety percent of the population has some degree of forward head
posture. Did you Know? Forward head posture can cause a host of issues
including mid-back and low-back complications as well as head, neck and
TMJ problems.
It has been estimated to shave as many as ten years off
your life. 10 years!
Are you sitting up straight?
Once you sit up straight you may find that other elements are out of balance.
Is your neck bent over to see the screen? Raise the sight level.
Is the screen to far away to see well? Pull it closer to you.
Viewing Angle - you should NOT being looking down at your screen. You should be looking straight ahead at it.
Height - Keep arms level when typing. Maintain at least an arm's length
distance between yourself and the keyboard, making
sure your arms are level. You'll have more energy to keep things moving with ease at this distance.
Chair Height - is it at the right level for you.
Does the back offer sufficient support for you?
Seating Posture - Make sure that your back is straight. Sit in an
upright, position and your lower back should be supported by your
chair.(proper lumbar support is crucial)
or Use a small pillow for extra back support: tuck a pillow near the small of
your back, and you'll instantly sit up straighter.
or Use a small pillow for extra back support: tuck a pillow near the small of
your back, and you'll instantly sit up straighter.
Take a Break - every thirty minutes. Your spine is made for motion
not sitting in a chair for prolonged periods of time. Get up and take a
Stretch - and recharge your stiff muscles. It will help relieve
the stress in your muscles and joints and will increase your
flexibility and range of motion.
Look in a Mirror - A small or medium sized mirror propped up in your office
can do wonders for your improvement efforts.Sometimes it helps to see your posture, so you can see how much of an effect it might be having on your body.
can do wonders for your improvement efforts.Sometimes it helps to see your posture, so you can see how much of an effect it might be having on your body.
Learn to Identify - back pain. You may have had back pain for a long time and have simply adjusted to it, it's a good idea to get a massage or Chiropractic consultation to find out where pain may just be stored or coming from.
Minor adjustments can have a huge impact on how you feel at the end of a long day.
With just a few simple strategies, improve your posture and computer habits significantly. You'll find yourself at ease, more productive, and enjoying extra energy from your new focus on health, and
You will feel better for it.
Do you have any great suggestions for helping to maintain good posture?
Let us know in the comment section below.
River City Chiropractic | Changing Lives in Elizabeth City, NC