Thursday, May 29, 2014

No reason for PAIN

Do any of these statements apply to you?

1. I stand or walk on hard surfaces for more than four hours a day.
2. I do a lot of physical activities that put stress on my body.
3. I have had injuries to my back/knee/neck.
4. I have joint pain while standing, walking or running.
5. I experience pain that makes me uncomfortable doing my daily activities.

Do you ever say or think:





If the answer is Yes....We understand
Being uncomfortable everyday is miserable. 
Are you ready to figure out where your pain is starting?

Surprisingly enough, your feet are often the starting point of your pain.
Your feet don't have to hurt for them to be the cause of your pain somewhere else in your body.

That Pain in your:
can be from having an unbalanced foundation.

Your feet are your foundation for your entire body.
If your feet are out of balance, the rest of your body is compensating, and suffering because of it.
River City Chiropractic can help you. Give us a call. Ask Dr. Scott Malwhiney to scan your feet to assess your weaknesses and imbalances.You may find that a pair of orthotics could be the answer to your pain.
Diminish your pain.

                                                     "Pain is not a Lifestyle"

Call today and start living pain free. 252-335-7709. See what we are doing to keep you healthy here in Elizabeth City, NC.
Our office hours: Mon. 7:30 - 12:00/2:00 - 6:00 Tues. 2:00 - 6:00 Wed. 7:30 - 12:00/2:00 - 6:00 Thurs. 10:00 - 1:00/3:00 - 6:00 Fri. 7:00 - 12:00.
Insurance accepted, CareCredit Payment Plans, Visa, MC and Discover. Custom made Orthotics and more.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Our Feet | Our Health

They are so essential to our movement. We stand on them, tip toe, jump, pound, stomp. They are celebrated and decorated, abused, massaged, rubbed, dipped, scrunched and stuffed, squeezed, painted, jeweled, and tattooed.

The most important aspect of our feet is this.. They are the bases of how we stand, how we are aligned and truly effect our health and well being. If we do not stand tall, straight and strong, it effects our whole body. If our feet are not healthy, our body stands to be weaker. Our spine stops at our tailbone, yet it is effected by how we stand on our feet.
Did you know that there are 26 bones and 100 muscles in one foot?
They are our foundation. If the foundation is weak, so is the structure..same as a house.
 If our feet are not in balance it can cause a mulittude of problems .. Fatique, foot pain, neck pain, knee problems, and we can have hip and spine alignment problems. All of that because our feet are not properly balanced.

 All is not lost.
Would you wear eyeglasses that weren’t prescribed for you? Or take an over-the-counter drug for a problem that requires a prescription drug? - See more at:
We could go buy a one size fits all style of shoe inserts..spending money on many until we either find one that kind of works or until we just give up on the idea.

Would you wear eyeglasses that weren’t prescribed for you? Or take an over-the-counter drug for a problem that requires a prescription drug?

Here is a better solution.
Have your feet scanned and analyzed to get a true picture of where the pressure points are and see what alignments issues there may be; then getting a custom made pair of Orthotics

  • Giving strength to support the weight of the entire body
  • Permitting sufficient flexibility to accommodate changes in terrain
  • Providing momentum for movement
For more information on Orthotics and what they can do for you click here:

Your best Chiropractor is equipped to do this for you.
"Better Health For a Better Life" Dr. Scott Mawhiney is your go to back doctor.
River City Chiropractic (252) 335-7709
224 N. Poindexter St. Elizabeth City, NC 27909

Call today and start living pain free. 252-335-7709. See what we are doing to keep you healthy here in Elizabeth City, NC. Our office hours: Mon. 7:30 - 12:00/2:00 - 6:00 Tues. 2:00 - 6:00 Wed. 7:30 - 12:00/2:00 - 6:00 Thurs. 10:00 - 1:00/3:00 - 6:00 Fri. 7:00 - 12:00. Insurance accepted, CareCredit Payment Plans, Visa, MC and Discover. Custom made Orthotics and more.